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Person-Centered Care

What is Person-Centered Care?
  • puts patients at the forefront of their health and care

  • ensures they retain control over their own choices

  • helps them make informed decisions

  • supports a partnership between patients, families and healthcare service providers

Person-Centered Care (PCC)


The Patient Voice is anchored in all behaviours and drive all activities of the healthcare system.


A Culture of Patient-Centredness is self-evident across the health system and integrated into existing healthcare programs.


Healthcare Programming is built on the PCC principles throughout planning, implementation and evaluation.


Dignity and Respect

active listening to patients and families, honoring beliefs, values, cultural norms, choices and decisions.



participative communication of timely, accurate and complete information with patients and families.



patients and families are encouraged and supported in participating in care and informed decision-making of their choice.



patients and families are provided meaningful opportunities to engage with care providers regarding care planning, policy/program development.


Organization-wide Engagement

leadership commitment and support combined with healthcare provider adoption at the patient care level.


Workplace Culture Renewal

change management aimed at anchoring PCC behaviours in the everyday culture of the organization.


Balanced Patient-Provider Relationships

creating opportunities for integrating the need and expectations of patients and families with healthcare providers.


Tool Development

implementing tools to assist in the organization in putting patient and family needs at the centre of care planning and program delivery

Healthcare System Priorities

Shift the culture of healthcare from being disease-centered and provider-focused to being patient-centered

Dimensions of Quality

Acceptability - Appropriateness - Accessibility - Safety - Effectiveness - Equity - Efficacy


Assessment of Person-Centered Care in eConsult
  • Our service provides a more responsive approach to sharing specialist advice in a timely and equitable manner to serve the specialized and localized needs of the complex populations it serves.

  • Our service continuously demonstrates the ability to reduce wait times for specialist care and provide patients with care in line with their personal and healthcare goals.

  • Our service recognizes the need to support patient care coordination to facilitate the productive, efficient, and safe movement of patient care throughout various parts of the healthcare system.

  • Our service operates under ongoing quality improvement practices through research and evaluation initiatives.

LaPlante, James (2021, June). Discussion Paper: Person-Centered Care and the eConsultBASE™ Service.

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